10 things you should pack this summer
If there’s one thing that’s more important than spending time abroad this summer, it’s looking good while you’re doing it. We turned to our wonderful students on Instagram to get first-hand advice about what we should be stuffing our suitcases with this summer.
1. Ripped Jeans
If there’s one fashion staple that’s ready-made for adventures abroad, it’s the ripped jean. Just look at this picture of @style_tonic with this baby wallaby! Ready for action (in case the wallaby cuddles get too scratchy) but still looking great.
2. Funky jacket
Whether it’s denim or leather, a jacket is a must-have item for any destinations that aren’t bathed in sun all year round (we’re looking at you, whole of UK/northern Europe/most of the US and Canada). Why not show your personality with a funkier design, like our wonderful friend @mervinoblog in London.
3. Sunglasses
Not only do sunglasses look cool, they also protect your eyes from harmful UV rays. Because, you know, safety first. The great thing about shades is they always looks good, regardless of which brand you’re wearing, as we can see in one of our favorite pictures from last summer, courtesy of @isabelle_andres and friends.
4. Matching sweatshirts
If you, like the Martinez Twins @ivanmartinez and @emiliovmartinez have an identical sibling, why not dress in matching outfits! It’ll both confuse and entrance your friends, but also look great in pictures. Plus, if a colour combination works, might as well share it. No?
5. Backpack
When wandering the streets of Oxford like @meeeeeeeel_ you’ll probably need something to store your food/school books/clothes in. Enter: the backpack. They’re massively back in fashion and they come in lots of cool colors and styles. It’s like the 90’s all over again.
6. Swimsuit
If there’s one thing you will absolutely do this summer, it’s swim. Sea, lake, pool – we don’t care. Get us in that water! Preferably with friends, like this amazing shot by @kikamish.
7. Beach bag
Of course, when you’re going swimming you need a bag to take your beach accessories in. This cool one from @carlapedicone is the perfect choice for beach time in Malta.
8. GoPro
If you’ve got GoPro or underwater camera, make sure to pack it – just look at the pictures you can take! This one’s by @thiagomlcorrea and it’s one of our favourite shots ever.
9. Lots of bracelets
You can never have too many bracelets, as evidenced by @anzhelanastenko in Venice Beach, Los Angeles. Accessorize it with a watch for that super-bling look.
10. Camera (for the memories)
This is a no-brainer, but you’d be surprised how many people forget to take pictures when they’re travelling. Sure, a selfie is great, but don’t miss out on the incredible landscapes behind you. Your Instagram account will thank you! Just ask @hzacatei, author of this awesome shot.
Check out more student style and travel adventures by following @efeducationfirst on Instagram and tagging your pictures with #efmoment. We’ll see you on the beach this summer!