10 English slang terms you need to know in 2024
As we welcome another fresh year, it’s only right that we open our arms to a variety of new English slang. With TikTok acting as a modern-day hub for all things trendy, it’s unsurprising that the app is responsible for much of the slang that has entered daily conversation.
If you’re navigating online discourse with a quizzical look on your face, fear not. We’re here to dispel any confusion around the latest words and phrases in the English language. Breeze through conversations in 2024 with these 10 English slang terms under your belt.
1. Delulu
We’re starting off strong with one of the most widely used slang terms of recent months. Delulu originated in the K-pop community and is shorthand for the word “delusional”. There are many uses for this one — it can be applied to any situation where you feel someone is being entirely unrealistic. Does your friend expect to be able to write their 30-page paper the night before it’s due? You might say they’re being delulu.
2. Coded
You would refer to something as being X-coded when it shares traits with something else. For example, if you have a friend who is always excited to be out and about, (much like an overzealous puppy) you may say they’re “golden-retriever-coded”. You can switch in pretty much anything that sums up the essence of someone’s behavior or characteristics.
3. Roman Empire
This one circulated as a trend on TikTok, stemming from many people’s surprise that men seemed to frequently think about the Roman Empire. From there, a person’s “Roman Empire” began to mean something they just can’t stop thinking about. Does One Direction breaking up the band continue to cause you emotional turmoil? Sounds like that’s your Roman Empire.
4. Vibing
While “vibing” isn’t the newest slang term on the block, it has stood the test of time. It’s a versatile word that can be used for everything from people getting along with one another (“They were definitely vibing”), to enjoying a new snack (“I’m really vibing with this flavor combination”).
5. Altered my brain chemistry
If something had a profound impact on you, you can say that it altered your brain chemistry. Another versatile one, this can be used in a more significant context (“That breakup altered my brain chemistry”) or in a lighthearted situation (“That pizza altered my brain chemistry”).
6. Beige flag
From the makers of the “green flag” and “red flag”, we present to you: the beige flag. These are meant to signify or “flag” certain behaviors. Unlike its colorful counterparts, the beige flag refers to characteristics that may be slightly out of the ordinary but are, ultimately, unremarkable. Does your friend eat pizza with a knife and fork? Perhaps unconventional but, in the grand scheme of things, a beige flag. It’s worth mentioning that beige flags are subjective (taking a fork to pizza may well be a red flag to you).
7. Side quest
Video game terminology is definitely having a moment, with various words borrowed from the world of gaming being thrown into conversation. “Side quest” refers to deviating from a scheduled mission. If you plan to go on a grocery run but see a pet store on the way and end up buying a fish — you went on a little side quest.
Bonus: NPC
Along the same video game terminology vein, NPC stands for "Non-Player Character" and is used to describe someone who blindly follows trends.
8. Side eye
This one is fairly straightforward and refers to someone regarding you with suspicion and giving you the side eye. It gained popularity through the “bombastic side eye” remix on TikTok. If your friend catches you telling a lie but doesn’t want to call you out in public, they may give you some “bombastic side eye”.
9. In the room with us
This one stems from questioning someone’s perception of a certain situation. If you see a video of someone saying they love their new green sweater but from your end, the sweater is clearly red, you may ask “Is the green sweater in the room with us?”. This can be applied to just about any scenario where your perception of what’s going on does not match with the other person’s.
10. Mother
Where people once referred to a person they admire as “queen”, they now often use the word “mother” instead. If someone’s a big fan of Lady Gaga, they may say “She is literally mother”. This one is most commonly used for celebrities or public figures, but can be applied to anyone in your life.