The wonderful world of language learning offers us endless opportunities for growth and communication and is rooted in a great deal of rich history. L...
Have you ever sat around the table with friends or family, enjoying a perfectly acceptable lunch or dinner, and listened – powerless – as the conversa...
The future of how we’ll communicate is a source of heated debates – here’s our take if you’re curious – but whatever it is, let’s take a moment to app...
If you’re thinking about learning Italian or visiting Italy, there are some things you should definitely know about Italians. There are many parts of ...
In case you are looking for a reason to throw a little party, look no further and put on your party hat right now: the 26th September is the European ...
Go anywhere in the world and you’ll find someone who speaks English. Today, learning English has become essential for communication and access to oppo...
Think you know everything you need to about some of the world’s coolest cities? Think again! These exciting and bustling metropolis’ have centuries – ...
In school, we learned that Manchester was the world’s first industrialized city because of a textile boom and a conveniently located port. After leavi...
Berlin is the third most popular city to visit in all of Europe and it’s not hard to see why; the city’s practically oozing cool. From hip hotels to c...
There are an estimated 7,000 languages in the world, from Mandarin Chinese spoken by nearly a billion people natively, to over 200 artificial language...
Anyone who has lived in the UK will know that the royal family has a special place in British history, not to mention modern culture. You might have t...
Part of the magic of learning a new language lies within discovering peculiar and unique new words. No matter how elaborate the situation at hand may ...