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Language learning

188 articles
Best in class: 4 tips for learning a new language faster
4 min read 4 min

Just taking some language classes isn’t enough to become fluent. Studying (and mastering!) a foreign language requires effort, persistence and patienc...

8 steps to becoming awesomely comfortable at small talk
3 min read 3 min

At the beginning of almost everything – from friendships, to relationships and careers – there is small talk. Knowing how to start, maintain and smoot...

Top 5 coolest student cities in the world
4 min read 4 min

If you are a university student, spending one or two semesters abroad has a whole lot of advantages – you can polish your language skills, get interna...

8 reasons why you’ll never regret traveling
4 min read 4 min

However much they might yearn to go overseas and “see the world”, people tend to make all sorts of excuses for not traveling. Worries about money, lon...

The time is now: 8 reasons to learn a new language
3 min read 3 min

Almost everyone can name one language they want to learn – Japanese is on my bucket list. But almost everyone has myriad excuses why they are not yet ...

Salut, Bradley! & Other celebs that talk the foreign talk
4 min read 4 min

If you met Bradley Cooper at a restaurant and managed to muster up the courage to speak to him, would you do it in English? What if Mila Kunis stood b...

4 reasons why a gap year is the best thing ever
2 min read 2 min

Life can be scary sometimes. So many choices, so many decisions. It can be exhausting to find your place in this world. If only there was a way to pre...

The best way to boost your brainpower? Learn a language.
3 min read 3 min

If you want to do something good for yourself, learn another language. I admit, posting this here might come across as biased, but scientists are on m...