Whether packing weeks in advance is your jam, or your pre-departure ritual involves you throwing crumpled shirts into a bag and praying you’ve grabbed...
Here in the UK, we neither have the most reliable weather in Europe, nor do we boast the fine-dining reputations of our French, Italian, or Spanish co...
You’ve done it: You’re on the road or just landed in a new country, and you’re ready to start exploring, studying, and experiencing. While your advent...
Summer is just around the corner, and Berliners are trading in their parkas for T-shirts, leisurely lying in the grass, and covering every square mete...
Apart from squeezable ketchup bottles and post-its, flying is probably one of the coolest inventions ever: You get on a plane and a few hours later, s...
Breakfast. The most important meal of the day. And in Singapore, one of the most delicious! Greasy sausages and crunchy cereals are off the menu here ...
Few experiences offer as many learning opportunities as spending time abroad. However, close your eyes, and you’ll find those weeks and months disappe...
Barcelona is one of Europe’s most strikingly, fabulously, poignantly, and intensely beautiful cities. Sandwiched between the mountains and the sea, it...
The Oxford Dictionary defines a selfie as “a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and shared via ...
Aloha and welcome to our guide to the picture-perfect American state of Hawaii. Tucked away some 2500 miles from the mainland, this Pacific wonderland...
Congratulations, all that studying and paper-writing is over! With graduation come not only more sleep and less cafeteria food, but also an open door ...
EF is full of people from around the globe, people that have lived around the globe and people that travel around the globe. Hong Kong, Auckland, Los ...